Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Hey guys this is the new website that I created today.  Im trying to get it as detailed as possible.  On the top you will see tabs about the fire, wants, needs and help, evacuations and pictures.  In the wants, needs and help tab you can scroll through and find stuff to help, donated etc.  Evacuations I will get from the Sierra Vista Herald.  The picture tab has the pictures in order but date with the new ones at the bottom which are the best and also some videos of the helicopters flying around.  On the right you will see links to a lot of resources and donations.  Events that are being held are on the bottom that will benefit citizens affected by this blaze.  On the very bottom their is a way to subscribe via email.  In the about me you can find ways to contact me and help me out with some information.  Please pass this along and I will try to keep up and give the most up to date news and if you have anything to add do, but please please make sure it is facts and not assumptions.

Respectfully Sean

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