Monday, June 20, 2011

Update June 20, 12:01

Well obviously today was a tough day out there.  The fire came running down Miller canyon between 12:00 and 1:00pm ad fire screws were ready to battle the blaze.  Local agencies set up on highway 92 to prepare to take on the fire as soon as it headed down the hill.  Listening to the radio I thought they could hold it but with 40 mph winds its a tough job.  After the fire crossed highway 92 local agencies rushed odown Hereford Road and Ramsey Road to try to do back burns and anchor the fire back in.  They were very succesful with this operation. The fire was stopped at Burro road thanks to heavy air support that was grounded the entire day due to weather conditions.  It is still unconfirmed how many strcutures were lost but there will be structure damage in this area according to inside sources.  Ricardos and Nicks place are confirmed losses.  Sorry the update was so late had a long day filled with multiple evacuations. Also new pictures are posted in the picture tab they were taken today of the Hereford area near Ricardo's.

As always stay safe.


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